Congratulations, Dr. -Ing. Peter Schweizer!

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The PhD defence of Mr. Peter Schweizer took place on 18. Sep. 2019. With his beautiful work of “Manipulation of individual defects in 2D and layered materials”, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing. with the top overall grade “summa cum laude”

His PhD work has been focused on manipulation of defects in materials, including visualize functioned single molecules on graphene lattice, direct manipulate dislocations in bilayer graphene and investigate friction behavior of micro-pillars of layered materials. Along with the study he made major contribution to develop the methods to mechanically clean graphene and similar 2D materials in the electron microscopes; implementing diffraction mode in the SEM; and develop a ultrasensitive method to measure the force involved in the motion of single dislocation.

Congratulations, Peter!