Congratulations! Dr.-Ing. Malte Lenz
The PhD defence of Mr. Malte Lenz took place on 15. July. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current conditions. With his beautiful work “A Microscopic Study on the Structural and Chemical Constitution of Defects and Phases in Co-base Superalloys”, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing.
His PhD work has been focused on the study of defects in novel Co-base super alloys. His work is embedded in the project SFB TR 103 “Superalloy single crystals”. Using state-of-the-art microscopic methods, his studies revealed new mechanisms to the high-temperature creep performance in these promising alloys. Beside his nice scientific work, he has been an very active member in the SFB project contributing to organizing events and meetings, as well supervising Master students and HiWis.
He has decided for a career in the industry and will leave us very soon to start his new journey in life.
We hope all the best to your future, Malte! Remember to drop-by anytime and IMN is always your harbor. :-p