Congratulations! Dr. -Ing. Lilian Vogl

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The PhD defence of Ms. Lilian Vogl took place on 2. Dec. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current conditions. With her comprehensive work “Functional Nanowires Studied with Correlative in situ Light and Electron Microscopy”, she has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing with distinction.

Lilian joined IMN as Hiwi with a project to optimize the deposition of Pt thin films. Ever since the serendipitous finding that the deposited Pt on MoS2 flacks induced the growth of MoO2 nanowires (reported in this paper), she have been fascinated by nanowires and pursued the study of functional properties of a series of nanowires. As a member of the graduate school in situ microscopy, she embraced the advantage of the variety of in situ microscopy techniques as well the expertise of many other members, and have made great achievements.

She will soon continue her fascination in Switzerland and start a new journey in life.

We hope all the best to your future, Lili! Remember to drop-by anytime and IMN is always your home. 🙂