Congratulations, Dr. -Ing. Birk Fritsch
The PhD defense of Mr. Birk Fritsch took place on 20. Feb. 2023, in the seminar room of the IZNF building. With his outstanding work “Quantification of electron beam-induced effects during in situ liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy“, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing. with distinction, Congratulations, Birk!
Birk started his PhD in 2018 within the DFG-funded graduate training school “in situ microscopy using electrons, X-rays and scanning probes” in the sub-project area of liquid phase electron microscopy in the department of electronic engineering. As his studies and topics evolved to more related to quantitative electron microscopy and having been working together with IMN colleagues, he later switched to be officially supervised by Prof. Spiecker at IMN. Birk has been a very dedicated and productive researcher. He received recognition in the community last year for his work on simulating radiolysis processes of water and obtained a GRC conference best poster award last year.