
The annual football tournament of the Materials Science Department took place in 31. July. This year, our institute contributed in two teams: the regular boys team representing the institute and the girls team. Both played great games.      Photos by M. Wu

Category: Activities, News, People

Erlangen 27.07.2017 – Zeiss Xradia Ultra 810 (nano-CT), a high resolution lab source X-ray microscope, has been installed in Erlangen and successfully passed the acceptance test. The instrument can provide a resolution of 50 nm thanks to its advanced modern X-ray optics. Being a dedicated tomography...

Category: Allgemein, News

The application for funding of the NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system has been granted recently by DFG. Fischione’s Model 1040 NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system is an excellent tool for creating high-quality thin specimens needed for advanced transmission electron microscopy imagin...

Category: Allgemein, News

The annual institute seminar took place in Schönau am Königsee during 19-22. June 2017. During the 4 days, we had intensive and fruitful scientific discussions in the morning sessions and excursions and team-building events in the afternoons to wonderful places in the Königsee area. A highlight of t...

Category: Activities, News

We celebrate the successful installation of a laster cutter (microPREP) for fast, clean, and efficient preparation of samples for microstructure characterization and failure analysis. It is suitable for preparation of metal, semiconductor, ceramic and compound materials from bulk, and greatly reduce...

Category: Allgemein, News

The PhD defence of Ms. Manuela Göbelt took place on 19. May. 2017 in the Max-Plank-Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). With her great work on the study of silver nanowire based transparent electrode, under the support of GRK1896 and co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Erdmann Spiecker (WW9, FAU) and Pr...

Category: Allgemein, News, People

High-resolution X-ray tomography reveals how butterflies form their iridescent wing scales It has only been one year since the material scientists around Prof. Erdmann Spiecker from the Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg had been granted funding for...

Category: News

Our motivated, high productive colleague Dr.-Ing. Florian Niekiel is leaving us right after his PhD defense and decided to move back to his hometown in north Germany. Thank you very much for the times that we worked together, thank you for leaving us the legacy of your experience that is worth to te...

Category: News, People