
3.1 Mio € funding has been granted for a new high-resolution x-ray microscope, which will enable entirely new perspectives in materials science. Researchers will be able to analyze the 3D-structure of materials non-destructively on a sub-micrometer scale and use the obtained information for the targ...

Category: News

The Long Night of Science was a huge success for CENEM. At the Electron Microscopy facilities alone we welcomed more than 400 people throughout the night. Visitors had the chance to see the new Titan Themis3 and learn about research at the Institute for Micro- and Nanostructure Research in a vivid p...

Category: News

In October 2014 the installation of the new transmission electron microscope (TEM) FEI Titan Themis³ 300 was finished. Now the staff of IMN is able to perform high quality research using this high-end TEM providing high-resolution imaging as well as high performance analytical investigation capabili...

Category: News

The European Microscopy Society (EMS) awards each year Outstanding Paper Awards in the three categories Instrumentation and Technique Development, Materials Sciences as well as Life Sciences. In 2013 the publication "Dislocations in bilayer graphene" wins the EMS Outstanding Paper Award in Materials...

Category: News