
The paper “Influence of Au alloying on solid state dewetting kinetics and texture evolution of Ag and Ni thin films” by Martin Dierner, Johannes Will, Michael Landes, Christian Volland, Robert Branscheid, Tobias Zech, Tobias Unruh and Erdmann Spiecker has just been published in the Journal of Surfac...

Category: Activities, Allgemein, News, Papers

Just in time for Advent, the stars arrange themselves in a highly symmetrical pattern. The beautiful picture was actually created using electron diffraction, with the electron beam transmitting through a thin PbS film grown epitaxially on a TiS2 substrate. While the six-fold symmetry of the substr...

Category: Allgemein, News

Graphite, a versatile material. On the one hand it is used in daily life as pencil, on the other hand graphene with its remarkable properties can be produced by cleaving graphite. This scanning electron microcopy image shows the beautiful structure of graphite, which consists of only one element, ca...

Category: Allgemein, News

This 3D rendering in ‘golden October’ color scheme displays an electron tomographic reconstruction of a porous hematite particle synthesized by Monica Distaso from the Institute of Particle Technology at FAU. In this study, mesocrystals were used as effective precursors to design nanoreactors with ...

Category: Allgemein, News

The "Olympics" microscopy, the 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20), took place last 10-15.September in Busan, South Korea, after being postponed by a year due to the pandemic. Over 3,000 people attended the grand event. We have met long-lost colleagues and friends during this congress and...

Category: Activities, Allgemein, News