
The PhD defence of Mr. Janis Wirth took place on 22. Dec. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current regulations. With his comprehensive work “Scale-bridging correlative 3D microscopy methods to unravel the complex 3D microstructure of porous materials“, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing. ...

Category: Allgemein, News, People

The PhD defence of Ms. Dorota Kubacka took place on 17. Dec. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current regulations. With her dedicated work “Diffusion Processes in Compositionally Complex SX Ni- and Co-base Superalloys“, she has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing with distinction. Congratulations...

Category: Allgemein, News, People

The formidable years ever since the pandemic has greatly affected the extent of academic exchange and driven us towards a new culture of online discussions. Despite many virtual events successfully held, few of them served as a platform for early career researchers and brought a broader community be...

Category: Activities, Allgemein, News

The PhD defence of Ms. Lilian Vogl took place on 2. Dec. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current conditions. With her comprehensive work “Functional Nanowires Studied with Correlative in situ Light and Electron Microscopy", she has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing with distinction. Lil...

Category: Allgemein, News, People

Dorota Kubacka received a prestigious opportunity to deliver an extended oral presentation (30 min) during the Superalloy 2021 conference, the summit once every four years in the field of superalloys community. Her talk, "using rapid thermal annealing for studying early stages of high-temperature ox...

Category: Allgemein, News