The article “Effect of size and shape on the elastic modulus of metal nanowires” by Lilian Vogl, Peter Schweizer, Gunther Richter and Erdmann Spiecker has recently been published in MRS Advances. Congratulations, Lili and Peter! The IMN researchers make use of the resonance vibration of metal nanowi...
The annual excursion of students of Q11 biophysics courses at Christian-Ernst-Gymnasium Erlangen (CEG-ER) to the chair for micro and nanostructure research at FAU was not feasible under the given circumstances.
"If the CEG can't come to us, I'll come to the CEG" wrote Prof. Dr. Erdmann Spiecker ...
The PhD defence of Mr. Malte Lenz took place on 15. July. 2021, partly virtual (online) due to the current conditions. With his beautiful work “A Microscopic Study on the Structural and Chemical Constitution of Defects and Phases in Co-base Superalloys”, he has been awarded the title Dr.-Ing.
The article “Unraveling Structural Details in Ga-Pd SCALMS Systems Using Correlative Nano-CT, 360° Electron Tomography and Analytical TEM” by Janis Wirth, Silvan Englisch, Dominik Drobek, Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Mingjian Wu, Nicola Taccardi, Narayanan Raman, Peter Wasserscheid and Erdmann Spiecker h...
CENEM and GRK members of IMN contributed by investigating the morphology and the agglomeration of SPIONs and nano plastic particles by employing scale-briding electron and X-ray microscopy and tomography techniques. The corresponding paper is now published in Materials Today, further details and bac...
A new Tenure Track Professorhip Computational Materials Microscopy (W2 / Associate Professor) is available at the Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy that is embedded at the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research. The research focus of this professorship should be on computationa...
Structure-property relationships are key for an in-depth understanding and development of modern materials utilized to solve grand challenges in today's society like sustainable energy conversion and catalysis. The Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) and the Institute of Micro- a...
The article “Correlative laboratory Nano-CT and 360° electron tomography of macropore structures in hierarchical zeolites” by Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Janis Wirth, Dominik Drobek, Silvan Englisch, Thomas Przybilla, Tobias Weissenberger, Wilhelm Schwieger, and Erdmann Spiecker has recently been publis...
We proudly welcome a new high-end TEM instrument to the IMN and CENEM. The new Thermo Fisher Scientific (TFS) Spectra 200 has been installed from September until December 2020, and, since January 2021, it started its operation in the CENEM labs located at the building of Interdisciplinary Center for...
The paper on “Microscopic Deformation Modes and Impact of Network Anisotropy on the Mechanical and Electrical Performance of Five-fold Twinned Silver Nanowire Electrodes” by Nadine Schrenker and colleagues has been recently published in ACS Nano.
Silver nanowire (AgNW) network...