Mingjian Wu

Dr. Mingjian Wu


Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Micro- and Nanostructure Research

Room: Raum 01.138
Cauerstraße 3
91058 Erlangen
  • Biography

I am an enthusiastic “nano-photographer” with over 15 years of experience in electron microscopy. My expertise lies in developing and applying advanced microscopy, diffraction, and spectroscopy techniques—integrated with in situ, operando, and data science approaches—to gain unique insights into modern functional materials.

I earned my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Materials Science from Hunan University, China, before moving to Germany for doctoral research. I investigated structural phase stability in III-V semiconductors with Dr. Achim Trampert at the Paul-Drude-Institut in Berlin. I obtained my Dr. rer. nat. from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2014 with the highest distinction (summa cum laude). Following a short research stay in Finland, I joined the Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research (IMN) at FAU in 2015.

Currently, I am a staff scientist at IMN, where I:

  • Advise on various research projects, providing expertise in advanced electron microscopy and spectroscopy.
  • Supervise the institute’s double Cs-corrected, monochromated Titan Themis and co-supervise the probe-corrected Spectra 200 TEMs.

My research focuses on:

  • Methodologies: Diffraction-based techniques (4D-STEM), detector technologies, high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy, phase contrast methods, and in situ microscopy.
  • Materials: Extended defects in semiconductors, metals, and thin films; nano-alloys and intermetallics; organic/inorganic materials for photovoltaics and optoelectronics.

Additionally, I contribute to teaching:

  • Electron Microscopy I (Master’s course, winter semester – exercises, 2 ECTS).
  • Electron Microscopy II (Master’s course, summer semester – lectures & exercises, 5 ECTS).
  • Nanotechnology Lab Course (Master’s lab, winter semester, 2 ECTS).


  • Honors and awards

+ Outstanding Paper Award (OPA) by the European Microscopy Society (EMS), 2023, Awarded in Busan, Korea
+ Best poster prize at Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC2017), Lausanne, Switzerland
+ “Summa cum laude” for doctorate, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2014, Germany
+ “Helmet Alexander Award” in International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece

  • Selected Publications

+ M. Wu*, C. Harreiss, C. Ophus, M. Johnson, R. H. Fink, and E. Spiecker*, Seeing Structural Evolution of Organic Molecular Nano-crystallites Using 4D Scanning Confocal Electron Diffraction. Nature Communications 13 (2022) 2911. Outstanding Paper Award by the European Microscopy Society
+ B. Fritsch*, M. Wu*, A. Hutzler, D. Zhou, R. Spruit, L. Vogl, and E. Spiecker*, Sub-Kelvin thermometry for evaluating the local temperature stability within in situ TEM gas cells. Ultramicroscopy, 235 (2022) 113494.
+ M. Wu*, A. Tafel, P. Hommelhoff, and E, Spiecker. Determination of 3D electrostatic field at an electron nano-emitter. Applied Physics Letter, 114 (2019) 013101.
Featured article (Editors’ choice) & Cover paper
+ Mingjian Wu*, and Erdmann Spiecker. Correlative micro-diffraction and differential phase contrast study of mean inner potential and subtle beam-specimen interaction. Ultramicroscopy 176, (2017) 233.
+ M. Wu*, E. Luna, J. Puustinen, M. Guina, and A. Trampert, Formation and phase transformation of Bi-containing QD-like clusters in annealed GaAsBi thin films. Nanotechnology 25, (2014) 205605.


  • M. Wu, Towards in situ 4D-STEM observation of texture evolution in nano-crystalline thin films, Workshop on 3D ED and 4D-STEM, Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany. 19-20. Jun. 2024
  • M. Wu, Towards in situ 4D-STEM observation of texture evolution in nano-crystalline thin films, Hong Kong ATEM 2024, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China. 16-18. Nov. 2024
  • M. Wu, Structural insights into organic semiconductors and solar cells, Electron Microscopy Seminar Series, Stanford University, CA, USA. 26. Jan. 2024
  • M. Wu, Structural insights into organic semiconductors and solar cells, National Laboratory of Nanotechnology (LNNano), Campinas, SP, Brazil. 13. Nov. 2023
  • M. Wu, Structural insights into organic semiconductors and solar cells, 29 CSBMM & CIASEM XVII, Olinda, PE, Brazil. 9-10. Nov. 2023
  • M. Wu, Structural insights into organic semiconductors and solar cells, International Congress of Microscopy 2023, Busan, South Korea. 10-14. Sep. 2023
  • M. Wu, Structural insights into organic semiconductors and solar cells, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China. 22. Aug. 2023
  • M. Wu, Seeing Structural Evolution of Organic Molecular Nano-crystallites using 4D Scanning Confocal Electron Diffraction, M&M 2022, Portland, OR, USA. 01-04. Aug. 2022
  • M. Wu, Seeing a hot nano-cosmos: new opportunities enabled by in situ heating TEM, University of Antewerp, Antewerp, Belgium. 18. Jun. 2019
  • M. Wu, Determination of nanoscale 3D electrostatic field at electron field emitter, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 15. Nov. 2017
  • M. Wu, Elucidating the formation of Bi-rich nano-clusters in annealed Ga(As,Bi) epilayers by transmission electron microscopy, Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology (SIMIT), CAS, Shanghai, China. 14. Sep. 2017
  • M. Wu, Determination of nanoscale 3D electrostatic field at electron field emitter, Institute of Advanced Studies, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. 11. Aug. 2017
  • M. Wu, E. Luna, J. Puustinen, M. Guina and A. Trampert, Morphological instabilities in Ga(As, Bi), University of Turku, Turku, Finland. 21. Aug. 2014
  • M. Wu, Pathway to Doctorate: Made in Germany, Hunan University, China. 24. Feb. 2014
  • M. Wu, E. Luna, J. Puustinen, M. Guina and A. Trampert, Formation and phase transformation of Bi-containing clusters in annealed GaAsBi, COST MP0805 Final Meeting, University of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey 24–26 September 2013